For corporations, December may not necessarily be year-end. If you would like to sync your fiscal year and calendar year, in order that your personal and corporate tax preparation is facilitated, Canada Revenue Agency permits you to do so: they are just a phone call away.
If you have signed up for GST remittance, due to the fact that your annual gross income is greater than $30,000.00, Canada Revenue Agency will advise you whether your remittances need to be monthly, quarterly or annual. It is advisable to always stay on top of your tax filings and remittances, in order to avoid penalty and interest.
Trusha Desai Innovation Management Inc. specializes in GST reporting and year-end reconciliation in a slew of accounting software. I have ported corporations from Xero and QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online. As a Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor, I ensure that your accounts are reconciled between QuickBooks Online and your original software. Please contact me #TrushaDesai.com