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Blog by Trusha Desai aka Trusha Pandit

  • Writer's pictureTrusha Desai

Updated: Feb 20

Hallelujah! Unlike Bridget Jones, my diary would say that my receipts arrive in all shapes and sizes, generally legible, in shoeboxes, in brown paper bags, in reusable bags, and occasionally in Excel spreadsheets.


So, as soon as they arrive (the first one may have arrived on January 1st while the remainder may trickle in till April 1st), save them electronically in a secure folder and collect the paper documents in a file folder. Reach out to us right now, so that we can connect (or reconnect, as the case maybe), and we can get the logistics of tax preparation going.


I have prepared Canadian personal tax for over two decades. I have prepared and e-filed Canadian corporate tax for eight years. I keep current with the latest changes and updates, so rest assured that you will get personalized attention, care, and concern. Please reach out for your professional bookkeeping, payroll, management consulting, capital gains, personal and corporate tax requirements to me

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  • Writer's pictureTrusha Desai

Christmas isn't the same without glitzy wrapping paper and bows, gingerbread houses, eggnog, and snowflakes. The holidays aren't the same without The Sound of Music and It’s A Wonderful World


And after exhausting all and more of the above, it is yet a blue Christmas. For after you’ve done Handel’s Messiah, you may find that what is wanting in life is Elvis Presley’s Blue Christmas


Don’t forget: we are here in alert mode, waiting to grab your shoeboxes of 2023 filled with itsy little receipts. We can port them to little spreadsheets and tax documents and cloud accounting software if that is your choice. 


Do reach out:, after we’ve noshed on shortbread, we’ll handle all your taxing matters, and bookkeeping outflows, and we’ll listen to your outpourings of accounting issues, and resolve them expeditiously. 

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  • Writer's pictureTrusha Desai

Updated: Feb 20

The adage cut your coat according to your cloth must have been written for baby-boomers, or so they may think. With almost fixed income budgets squashed by inflation in all spheres, ranging from groceries to shoes to toys to haircare: do you go on a perennial diet, frequent the shoe repairman who will be your best friend, swap toys, or simply grow your hair … being mindful that shampoos and conditioners and Morocco oil are not inexpensive … you may run out of pencils while crafting your budget. And then you think, oh! Those craft brew guys have it tough too.

So, does your investment income beat inflation? If it does, have you factored in Canadian personal income tax? Tax on interest income is a whopping 50%. Capital gains income can be offset against capital losses of prior years. Dividend income has a lush dividend tax credit appended to it, which makes small business owners occasionally prefer dividends to monthly paycheques. Of course, cashflow being erratic in the current gloomy doom climate makes a shareholder wonder whether any income anyway will be forthcoming.

We have not touched on fraudulent scams that target seniors. We have not seen the tip of the floating iceberg in Antarctica of harassment in all its shapes, sizes, and manners that affect seniors duly termed ageism. Please reach out for your professional bookkeeping, payroll, management consulting, capital gains, personal and corporate tax requirements to me

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