Chart courtesy marketwatch.com/investing
For all those social media fanatics who use $TWTR to air their opinions, follow others, or promote their content, it might be a matter of interest that this stock was at its peak (since inception) on January 3rd 2014 at $69.00 while today, though it has increased by 2.08%, stands at $17.16.
If you were of the buy-and-hold ilk, this might have hit you hard. Just as the stock bubble caused in part by the technology sector of 2008 hit many of us. We either rode the storm with hats in hand, or were bowled over, keel a-splinter. A concern about the technology sector is that many stocks do not give dividends. Therefore, if the stock falls, there is no income to shield the unwary investor. If you are covered by an income-generating options strategy, it might assist you temporarily. Otherwise, you take what is thrown your way, sudsy dishwater or not.
As a tweeter who is approaching well-nigh five thousand tweets, I wonder why $TWTR which is well-liked by media and leading political contenders, business owners and celebrities, with a market cap of $12.11 billion, needs a business strategy that could impel the stock upwards. While $FB inches upwards, while $MSFT showers dividends, while $INTC dithers with chips and computer purchasers, $TWTR may need to expand its market share by the well-tried method of mergers and acquisitions. Just a thought.
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